Snowflake Obsidian Pyramid
Discover the enchanting energy of this Snowflake Obsidian Pyramid. It's mesmerizing black and white patterns hold an array of tranformative properties that promote balance, protection, and clarity. The pyramid's unique shape allows of optimal energy flow, making it an amazing tool for meditation, spellwork, and manifestation.This captivating pyramid emanates a soothing energy, helping you guide you towards self-discovery, whether just used as a decoration piece or in your meditation work.
**By purching this product you agree that:**
Any and all information that is provided about any stone on this website about the metaphysical properties is only meant for refrence. The information provided has been collected by research of these crystals about how they have been used throughout history. We do not and will never recommend using crystals as a substitue for conventional medical or psychological treatment. Crystals should only be used as complimentary tool in addition to medical treatment and never in replacement of.
Please know that just because a crystal is said to have a specific property does not always mean that you personally will experience or benefit from any such properties.